FUE Hair Transplant in Lahore Facts You Need to Know

FUE Hair Transplant in Lahore Facts You Need to Know

FUE Hair Transplant in Lahore

Hair transplant is a permanent solution to baldness and is generally common in almost all regions of the world. Well, hair transplant is of multiple types, and FUE hair transplant in Lahore is one of the most useful treatments to baldness. The follicular unit extraction is a new method, and most of the famous surgeons prefer this hair transplant due to its amazing results.

This effective surgical approach is effective enough that it becomes difficult to find the difference between original and transplanted hair. It FUE  Dr. Farrukh so the extraction of the follicular unit from the scalp, and the ultimate results of this transplant are absolutely hard to distinguish.

How Does it Prove Beneficial to Patients?

Patients can save themselves from scars and unnecessary pain that is often caused in the result of various hair transplants. FUE is basically painless and doesn’t leave scars which are a plus point of this hair transplant method. The best thing about FUE is the natural look of hair. It significantly causes less discomfort, and deep surgical wounds also do not occur on the scalp, which means that speedy recovery is possible in the case of FUE.

How do Surgeons Perform FUE Hair Transplant In Lahore

Dr. Farrukh Aslam do the FUE hair transplant in Lahore who is a famous hair transplant surgeon. The hair is extracted from the donor area of the same scalp. Surgeons redistribute donor hair to balding areas and due to which contrast cannot be noticed.

The even and perfectly blended relocation of hair allows surgeons to cover the baldness in an efficient way. Surgeons use an instrument to make smaller incisions in the scalp that ultimately separated the follicular unit from the surrounding tissue. The donor scars do not appear large in size and can be healed in a maximum of two weeks.

No Linear Scars in Case of FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is famous for not revealing linear scars which usually appear in case of other hair transplant methods. However, small polka dots can appear on the scalp in the result of Best hair transplant in Lahore. People who love short haircuts can surely go for this hair transplant because they will not need to cover the scars.

Dr. Farrukh Aslam is known For The Best FUE Hair Transplant

Dr. Farrukh Aslam is famous for doing FUE hair transplant in the best way. He is based in Lahore but has completed his education from foreign universities. He has been serving this field for so many years, and that is why his work speaks about her immense knowledge and experience.

It is Less Invasive Technique

As there are multiple methods of hair transplant, people should make sure to choose the one that has less pain and scars. Well, the follicular unit extraction usually proves time-consuming and requires a lot of effort due to which, surgeons call it less invasive technique; however, there are no stitches and wounds in this procedure. More on, the natural growth of hair is also guaranteed in the case of FUE.

The Cost Required For FUE

The FUE cost is not fixed and it varies due to the area of baldness, scalp type of patient, time of surgery, and the surgeon patients choose. More on, the technique surgeons choose for FUE also plays a part in the total cost.

Follicular Extraction Unit is Not Painful

In most of the cases, patients report that FUE doesn’t cause pain, and during and after surgery. However, patients can obviously feel a little discomfort during the surgery. Patients with sensitive scalp may suffer scars too. Well, the surgeons never start follicular unit extraction unless they fully examine the scalp.

The scars do not cause pain; however, a little irritation can occur in some cases. This surgery needs proper aftercare, and patients should make sure to use the lotion that is recommended by surgeons.

More on, Dr. Farrukh will guide you about hair wash. The recovery period is short, so patients can easily focus on the precautions. Meanwhile, patients should avoid rubbing the scalp in case of feeling a mild irritation.