How To Do Eye Makeup To Hide Wrinkles (Updated 2019)

How To Do Eye Makeup To Hide Wrinkles

How To Do Eye Makeup To Hide Wrinkles: Warm up the foundation, make spectacular eyeliner and makeup eyelashes properly. Learn how to hide wrinkles with makeup. Most often, the age gives out the eye area dark circles and a net of wrinkles. It’s enough to know a few tricks of anti-aging makeup to achieve the effect of charming, radiant skin.

1: Moisturize the skin around the eyes

Even the tiniest wrinkles are noticeable on dry skin. And the foundation tries to emphasize all these unwanted nets and crow’s feet. Therefore, hydration is needed. The cream should have a light texture to quickly absorb into the skin and give the desired result.

It is important to avoid not only the well-known paraben but also products that include silicones. The latter, although they instantly make the skin smooth, as a result only contributes to an increase in the number of wrinkles due to the resistant film that is created on the face.

Organic cosmetics are gentle on the delicate skin around the eyes and copes well with its hydration. These products have a short shelf life due to the natural components in the base.

2: warm foundation

The choice of foundation is based on the same principle as a moisturizer. The texture should be light and silky no greasy or dense. Oil-based products are not suitable.

The shade of the foundation significantly affects the success of the correction of the skin around the eyes. One tone is lighter than the natural skin tone ideal for solving the task. Lighter than the skin, the foundation will give the image freshness and radiance.

The subtleness of applying the product to the area around the eyes is to heat the foundation then it lays on the face more evenly. It is also significant to remember the technique of applying the tonal base. Slapping movements with the fingertips will most naturally spread the cream over the skin.

3: Align the area around the eyes with a concealer

There is just no perfect leveling agent. Therefore, it does not need to be treated like a magic wand, but you should not refuse at all. It is better to fix the situation using the base under the concealer.

Her task is to create a barrier between skin and makeup. Then the skin does not absorb the excess, and the effect of the concealer will please. This light pink mass is applied to the skin under the eyes and shaded. After that, a soft and natural glow of makeup is providing to you!

4: Avoid the mother of pearl and use a white pencil

Eye makeup that conceals wrinkles includes the use of foundation. It is needed as a basis for the upper eyelid. Shadows on such a frame last much longer.

Color also matters. Mother of pearl and sparkles highpoint wrinkles and pastel shades two shades darker than skin color will take over all the attention and leave crow’s feet in the shade. Eyeliner is allowed only on the upper eyelid. The lower eyelid, like the lower row of eyelashes, is better not to emphasize.

To complete the masking make-up you need a pencil in white or beige color – outline the lower eyelid. This radiant detail will also distract attention from minor limitations in the skin.

Categories : Beauty

Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khalid is fully accredited Plastic, Cosmetic and Hair Transplant Surgeon and a Life member of Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is a member of many National and International societies and presented his work in many national and international conferences and courses. His main work is facial aesthetics, body contouring, and breast surgery. He has a large of satisfied clients.
He is highly skilled and very professional. You can feel yourself at ease with him. He usually listens to his clients very carefully and suggests what is best for them.

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